free timesheet
light, easy training on calculating hours and minutes in excel

Excel Timesheets Add & Convert General Knowledge
Part A. Create a basic Excel Timesheet Add up Hours in Excel How does excel calculate hours
Part B. Insert Unpaid Lunch Breaks Convert Conventional Hours into a Decimal # How does excel calculate dates
Part C. Calculate Overtime Pay Convert Hours and Minutes into Minutes Express Log in and Log out in Excel
Timesheets for Night Shifts Average Hours ignoring Zero's and Error Values Entering only the last 2 digits of a year

How does Excel Calculate DatesHow does excel calculate time between 2 dates?

Short Answer:
By changing them into serial numbers.

Long answer:

In excel's mind, the world was created on 01/01/1900.
It calculates January 1st, 1900 as 1.
It calculates January 23rd, 1900 as 23
It calculates February 1, 1900 as 32
Excel calculates today’s date as the number of days that passed since January 1st 1900.

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Template Library New to Excel? Confused? Download our ready to use Excel Templates Timesheets.
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Time Card Calculator Free Online Timecard Calculator. Easy and fast to calculate timesheets.
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excel how to
excel how-to Learn how to add up hours and create your own templates in ExcelExcel Training